QNNNA's Den of Depravity | Recs > Not Rated

when we leave this room it's gone by peculiarstate

Pairings: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural open_in_new

Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Gencest | Emotionally Incestuous but Non-Sexual Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester, Gen or Pre-Slash, Wincest adjacent, they were in love here, Stanford Era, preseries winchesters, Angst, Dean Winchester Loves Sam Winchester, Pining Dean Winchester


dean makes sloppy joes for dinner the night before sam leaves for stanford.

Bookmarker's Notes:

Bare prose rife with pain. Feels like a bruise you can't stop poking at.

Words: 1,067   Bookmarked Date: 07 Jul 2024

just that and paper cranes by darkeyedwolf

Pairings: L/Yagami Light
Fandom: Death Note open_in_new

L/Yagami Light, Yagami Light, L (Death Note), Yagami Souichirou


More Death Note fic, wut wut. Pointless, mediocre L/Raito that progressively gets stupider, written only because it was a long, dull Saturday and I wanted to explore the possibility that they could get together without bucketfuls of angst. Shaken, not stirred. Spoilers for chapter 37. Around 1500 words.

Bookmarker's Notes:

Don't listen to the author, this one was lovely. Very in character, somehow also very sweet.

Words: 1,542   Bookmarked Date: 3/25/24