QNNNA's Den of Depravity | Updates


Sep 2, 2024 The rss is the big thing! Add me to your feed of choice if you so choose!
  • This update is a work in progress. The big thing I wanted to get pushed was the rss feed, accessible here
  • Got my 404 page working
  • Added another button
  • I added a bunch of filters and fics to the recs and changed the default view.
  • Reading mode for my fics is a work in progress . . .
  • . . . Oh! And I got the titles sorted out for my fics.
  • All in all, a productive update, but I'm not quite sore how I feel about it. I feel like I left a lot unfinished, but I'm very proud of the progress I've made on this silly little site of mine!
Aug 21, 2024 Favs section has been added to my site. Please enjoy!
  • Huge updates this week! take a look at my favs page, linked under "about" category of my navigation . . .
  • Which I reworked again, for the record.
  • Credits page and sitemap have been updated to reflect changes. I really want to make my credits page look better at some point.
Aug 17, 2024 Small update! Added comment boxes to my fic pages :3
  • Added comment sections to my fics.
  • Now I just need to figure out how to fix the titles being displayed for my fics . . .
  • . . . And how to use the RSS plug-in. If any Eleventy experts know why it's telling me the version numbers aren't matched up PLEASE HMU. My Eleventy is up to date.
  • I'm going to remember something I wanted to do as soon as I upload the site, but such is life.
Aug 16, 2024 My TL;DR for today is that Eleventy is amazing and you should use it.
  • I have made so many breakthroughs.
  • Added a ton of filters to my fic rec page that I may/may not rework as I get more and more comfortable with Eleventy.
  • Styled the filters
  • Majorly improved the updates page. I can now link to specific updates! Wow!
  • Added a new fic to oneshots
  • And (this might be my favorite part) I actually added my fics to the website. That's right, they're all hosted here now, and you can read them with your own eyes. Everyone applaud.
Aug 15, 2024 Just fanfiction rec things.
  • I'm very focused on my rec library at the moment, so that's the brunt of the update. I also added a button in my links section, and continued to improve site responsiveness. I'm still deciding what I want for this site, but I'm having fun with it either way.
  • Oh! I also submitted an application to the May December Club webring. Fingers crossed I get accepted :D
Aug 14, 2024 Fic library bullshittery. I'm loving the experience of building this website! Is there anything you'd like to see here?
  • Gave up on figuring out how to sort and filter my fics library for a third time. You can now browse my fic recs by fandom.
  • Continued to import my library.
  • Continued to update site experience.
Aug 13, 2024 Added credits page and implemented small, side-wide updates
  • Added the credits page
  • Re-organized navigation
  • Updates to sitemap and fanfiction index
  • Added email and guestbook
Aug 11, 2024 Fic rec library, sitemap, and favicon.
  • Added favicon
  • Added my fic rec library here. It's a permanent WIP. If you want to see the old version, it can be accessed here. There are pros and cons to both versions.
  • Edited my oneshots library to follow the format of my recs library
  • Added a sitemap
Aug 9, 2024 Improvements to the "about" section.
  • Added button wall
  • Fleshed out the "about" section
  • Added drop-down navigation to "about"
Aug 4, 2024 A variety of improvements to the site.
  • Fixed the gallery to use my lightbox integration.
  • Uploaded blurbs for my fics. I'm planning to host them on-site too, I just have to get my shit together with my SSG.
  • So many updates. Please take special note of my drop-down navigation.
  • So many things look better now. Yay!
Jul 26, 2024 Cleaned up CSS rules for mobile optimization.
  • Cleaned up CSS rules for the site. It should look better on mobile now.
Jul 22, 2024 Revamped the site!
  • You may have noticed I revamped the site. The rest of it will be going up over the next week/month/year. I'm planning to include everything I had before (and more!) with a sleek new coat of paint. Be patient with me! Progress may be slow.