QoL and content updates for my fic recs. Made a few edits to the ask meme answers that I posted in the last update. I also added a comment box to the end, so comment if you so choose. Sorry if you weren't able to click on the image links before!
Added 11 new fic recs. Someday I'll have my entire collection in there, I promise!
I fixed the number of date formats in my fic rec library. They should all be the same now, at least on your end (the JSON remains unchanged for the time being).
Most of the changes I've made have been to the reading pages, but I've also added the articles page. I'm having a hard time figuring out how I want to organize this site, so a few things are filed under multiple categories.
Added 2 new stylesheets for selecting on the reading pages, candy and ocean. Renamed sepia to desert.
Reorganized my index again >_> added a start guide
Re-organized my links/about me pages. Links to my social media/etc can now be found in about me, and links to friends can be found under links. I might also link some articles and such, we'll see!
Updates two days in a row? What is this, August? Ahem. Brand spankin' new asks page to be used at my discretion. I answered an ask here.
In response to the ask, I posted 2 drafts of the same BingQiu fic, Minori whump, 3 MobReiMob WIPs, 2 abandoned SasoDei fics, 5 (FIVE) never-before seen HashiTobi WIPs, and a partridge in a pear tree. If you like my writing, go take a look.
Continued to update my reading page stylesheets. I'm almost happy with them!
I added the Erotica Shrine. Described as "A mildly pretentious love letter to things I find erotic, captivating, or particularly pleasing. Not sexual by conventional definitions, but definitely horny. To me." As with everything on this site, it is a work in progress.
This website is 18+ and contains content intended only for adult audiences
You are not permitted on my site unless you are:
Above the age of majority in your juristiction
Aware that this website contains written content dealing with topics that may offend you (eg. fictional depictions of incest, age gaps in sexual relationships, underage characters in sexual situations, etc.)
Aware that I do not condone any situations dealing with inherently imbalanced relationships, coercion, or rape
Able to use critical thinking to distinguish fiction from reality
Are you befetished? Do you enjoy safe explorations of dark themes? Are you aware that depiction does not equal endorsement? Welcome to my freak quarantine zone!! I appreciate that you've taken your time to read through this little modal. I'm really not that scary, I just don't want people stumbling across anything they don't like and then making it my problem