QNNNA's Den of Depravity

Updates rss_feed

Nov 22, 2024 Most of the changes I've made have been to the reading pages, but I've also added the articles page. I'm having a hard time figuring out how I want to organize this site, so a few things are filed under multiple categories.
  • Added 2 new stylesheets for selecting on the reading pages, candy and ocean. Renamed sepia to desert.
  • Reorganized my index again >_> added a start guide
  • Re-organized header again. Shrines, articles, and events are now linked
  • Made some changes to my workflow that I might document at some point for fellow Eleventy users
  • RSS feed for my fics now works
  • Some updates to my exchange letter
  • Re-organized my links/about me pages. Links to my social media/etc can now be found in about me, and links to friends can be found under links. I might also link some articles and such, we'll see!