Spring . . . Autumn? Cleaning throughout. Major index updates and a few new links.
Major updates to the index page! You'll notice the Status Cafe widget and information on the last 3 fics I've uploaded to the site. Speaking of . . .
Added my 3 most recently written fics to my oneshots page.
Added some buttons and socials in links. Check out my neighbors!
Made it clear(er) that my series are not up yet. Will they ever be? Only time will tell. I need to figure out formatting.
Added some fics to my recs section. Unfortunately it's still extremely out of date. Bear with me . . .
Half baked my events page with a cute exchange letter. Pardon my dust
Updated reading pages for my oneshots. I plan to get the format how I want it sometime this decade.
Improved flavor text throughout the site.
This website is 18+ and contains content intended only for adult audiences
You are not permitted on my site unless you are:
Above the age of majority in your juristiction
Aware that this website contains written content dealing with topics that may offend you (eg. fictional depictions of incest, age gaps in sexual relationships, underage characters in sexual situations, etc.)
Aware that I do not condone any situations dealing with inherently imbalanced relationships, coercion, or rape
Able to use critical thinking to distinguish fiction from reality
Are you befetished? Do you enjoy safe explorations of dark themes? Are you aware that depiction does not equal endorsement? Welcome to my freak quarantine zone!! I appreciate that you've taken your time to read through this little modal. I'm really not that scary, I just don't want people stumbling across anything they don't like and then making it my problem